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Samsung SSD Angels On the Job At CES 2013 Las Vegas

The Samsung SSD Angels made their first appearance at CES Las Vegas 2013 and we couldn’t resist the opportunity to put them to the test.  For those new to the Samsung SSD Angels history, they have traveled the world ‘showing the Samsung love’ by upgrading sometimes unsuspecting people to the world of SSDs. Not wanting to pass up a great …

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OCZ Unveils Vector PCIE SSD at CES 2013 Las Vegas


Our visit with OCZ at the Venetian in Las Vegas this morning resulted in a close up of their new flagship Vector PCIe consumer SSD that is expected to be released sometime in the next quarter of this year.  The Vector PCIE SSD is driven by two Indilinx Barefoot 3 controllers and is available in 240, 480 and 960GB capacities …

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Marvell Partners With MemoRight To Enhance SSD Offerings


Marvell Technology (US-based) has reportedly invested in Memoright (Taiwan-based) to enhance its SSD offerings to include firmware, this according to a Digitimes story.  This alliance w0uld allow Marvell to couple its SSD controllers with Memoright’s firmware technology, and let Marvell offer a more complete SSD solution to its customers and clients. The SSD controller IC market is currently dominated by …

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Marvell Unveils Dragonfly NVDRIVE – World’s First NVRAM-Powered PCIe SSD Cache Solution


Marvell has announced availability of the Marvell DragonFlyTM NVDRIVE – the world’s first NVRAM-powered PCIe SSD cache solution.  This turnkey enterprise-class caching solution with built-in SSD modules extends the company’s award-winning DragonFly NVCACHE and NVRAM adapter product offerings that were released last August.  The DragonFly NVDRIVE is targeted to large-scale Internet and cloud computing datacenters.  It will dramatically scale both …

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Just How Far Will SSD prices Drop?


For many models of solid state drives, the last two years has been turbulant with certain models dropping from $3/GB to less than $1/GB.  A quick look at e-tailers, even today, shows quality brand name SSDs as low as the 80-90 cents/GB range.  The Crucial M4 256GB SSD has even been seen on sale as low as 67 cents/GB!  According …

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Kingston Wi-Drive Now Available in 128GB Capacity


Kingston has released an upgrade to one of our favorite toys lately which should interest a number of readers.  As you may remember, we reviewed the Kingston Wi-Drive in a 64GB capacity a while back and it deservedly received out Innovations Award.  Quite frankly, I never expected the Wi-Drive to be so useful and it has since become one of …

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Samsung Acquires NVELO and Gains SSD Caching Software


In an unexpected move, Samsung has acquired NVELO and has added to their SSD portfolio with a proprietary caching solution that is arguably the most powerful in the industry. NVELO Dataplex software has been examined here at TSSDR on many occasions and is the only that we are aware of that can provide nearly identical SSD specifications on a hard …

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Intel DC S3700 Data Center SSD Review (200/800GB)


A few months back, we randomly heard three words during a passing conversation; Intel, Taylorsville, and latency. That was it; no context, no explanation and no hints. Given that we happened to be at the Flash Memory Summit, it was a safe bet that something solid state was afoot, but at the time these were just random words to file …

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Affiliate Tech Reviews for November 30, 2012

It’s hard to believe that we have already reached the last day of November. 2012, is 31 days away from being over, but the not before the best part of the year. With December comes the start of many holiday celebrations and lots of gift giving. Who gets the best new piece of technology?Here is a link to a great …

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OCZ Vector SSD Review – Indilinx Barefoot 3 Becomes Reality


To say the new OCZ Vector was a long time in the making would be an understatement as discussion over the development of this platform just might be one of the oldest SSD conversations to date. Today’s Vector release may mark the first major success story of OCZ’ purchase of both Indilinx and PLX, this story born through development of …

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