TEST BENCH AND PROTOCOL This is The SSD Review Test Bench and a quick click on the photo will bring it up full size for closer inspection. Our main goal in testing is to ensure that all test results are as accurate as they can be and no anomalies slip through. We conduct all tests three times and, if necessary, …
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ADATA S511 120gb SATA 3 Review: Crystal Diskmark and AS SSD Benchmarks
CRYSTAL DISK BENCHMARK VER. 3.0 X64 Crystal Disk Benchmark is used to measure read and write performance through sampling of raw (0/1 Fill) or random data. Many new SSD owners who can’t wait to test the performance of their SSD often grab this program and run a quick test, not realizing that they are testing with random data, not RAW …
Read More »ADATA S511 120gb SATA 3 Review: HDTune Pro Benchmarks
HDTUNE PRO VER. 4.60 BENCHMARK HDTune is a great software program which covers all areas of our testing and does a great job of showing how capable this drive truly is. HDTUNE PRO VER. 4.60 FILE BENCHMARK HDTUNE PRO VER. 4.60 RANDOM TESTS HDTUNE PRO VER. 4.60 EXTRAS The battery of HDTune tests seem to show this drive as any …
Read More »ADATA S511 120gb SATA 3 Review: PCMark Vantage and Conclusions
The SSD Review uses benchmark software called PCMark Vantage x64 HDD Suite to create testing scenarios that might be used in the typical user experience. There are eight tests in all and the tests performed record the speed of data movement in MB/s to which they are then given a numerical score after all of the tests are complete. The …
Read More »OWC Mercury Extreme Pro 6G 240GB Update: OWC Ups the SSD Ante with Better SSD Warranty, Performance and Aesthetics
Most recently, an SSD manufacturer finally did what we have been waiting for from SSD companies for quite some time. We find it amusing that manufacturers haven’t thrown their support in SSD reliability through extended warranties long before this since SSDs have been shown to be pretty much indestructible. Other World Computing (OWC) has not only tackled this with a …
Read More »Samsung Electronics Unveils Terabyte Hard Drive for Notebooks
SAN JOSE, CA. June 7, 2011: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a world leader in digital consumer electronics and information technology, today announced its 500 gigabyte per platter, one terabyte internal hard disk drive, Spinpoint M8 for use in mobile computing applications such as notebooks. Samsung’s Spinpoint M8, which consists of two 500 gigabyte platters, provides users with one terabyte storage space. …
Read More »The SSD Review Computex Taipei 2011 FollowUp: Gigabyte Is On Top of The World In Taipei 101
If it seems like Gigabyte is on top of the world these days, there just may be a reason why. Given exception to their industry leading motherboard selection which seems to be taking awards from all directions, their main Headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan is simply breathtaking. This Gigabyte HQ invite was definitely one of our highlights of Computex 2011. Gigabyte …
Read More »The SSD Review Computex Taipei 2011 Ultimate Booth Babe Collection
The one thing that Computex is not short of is attractive women to draw buyers in to look at the … products? These beautiful women could be found in just about every booth and all reveled at the opportunity to have their picture taken with company products or Computex visitors. This is our choice as to the best of Computex …
Read More »The SSD Review Computex Taipei Update: G.Skill Highlights Phoenix II Pro ‘SandForce Driven’ SSD
One of the most active displays we saw at Computex was that belonging to G.Skill and you just might see the reason why below. We had a job to do though and were there to take a look at their Phoenix II Pro SSD which should be released in the very near future. The Phoenix II Pro is another of …
Read More »The SSD Review Computex Taipei Update: Corsair Announces Force 3 GT SSDs For The Enthusiast
The SSD Review had the opportunity to meet with Robert Pearce, Sr Technical Marketing Specialist of Corsair, this week at Computex Taipei and he had some rather unexpected SSD news to pass on. It appears that Corsair will be releasing an enthusiast line of SSDs known as the Force 3 GT line right on the heals of their new ‘Sandforce …
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