SuperTalent Displays New Hybrid Design and RAIDDrive 2 Plus SSD Capable of 3GB/s Speed – Computex 2013 Update

SuperTalent threw in a bit of intrigue this year at Computex in Taipei by introducing a new and updated RAIDDrive 2 Plus PCIe SSD with significantly higher performance compared to the previous version.  The RAIDDrive Plus 2 is capable of an amazing 2.8GB/s read and 3GB write performance and available in caacities up to 2TB.  SuperTalent’s Marketing Manager Roman Nahal credited the performance increase specifically to the devices controller but could not elaborate any further at this time.

RAIDDrive 2 Plus

Something I have always appreciated about SuperTalent is the fact that they are not afraid to let us know what they are working on and even go so far as to display their ideas and prototypes.  Such is the case with two new hybrid designs which definitely stand outside the box.  Keep in mind that their caching software is not yet set (Samsung NVELO take note)  but both speak of decent performance of just over 800MB/s, the enterprise version capable of a great top capacity of 3.2GB.  The enterprise prototype of SuperSSD HDD A is on the left with the business/consumer configuration (HDD B) on the right:

SuperTalent SuperSSD HDDASuperTalent SuperSSD HDDBLast but not least we take a look at the new SuperTalent Super Nova III SSD which will have capacities up to 480GB and is capable of performance up to 500MB/s read and 400MB/s write.  Many might not understand the ‘underfill’ and ‘Thermal Conduct Pad’ and this is not common on all SSDs.

SuperNova 3

Underfill is a layer of protection that lies between the chip (be it memory, cache or controller) and provides an additional element of shock protection while thermal protection is a pad that is situated between the controller and exterior aluminum casing.  This allows for the dissipation of heat by passing it to the exterior aluminum case which then allows exterior cooling.

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